5 Easy Moves For Strong and Sexy Abs

Jun 25 2016 - 11:20am

Even if you're staying cool in light and blousy tops and bikinis are pushed to the back of the closet, you shouldn't skimp on core-strengthening exercises. Now's the perfect time to get a sweater-ready six-pack with these five tummy-toning moves. Aside from helping you attain fantastic abs, these exercises will help with strength, balance, and posture, too.

Pilates Hip-Ups

With control, this dynamic exercise will strengthen your low abs in no time. Make sure to keep your core engaged throughout the entire move!

Seated Russian Twist

While this seated Russian twist [2] mainly targets your obliques, your back muscles will be engaged to strengthen and support your spine — extra points!

Standing Side Bend

The standing side bend works your obliques, and celeb trainer Harley Pasternak recommends this move [3] to keep the love-handle area tight. We like that it simultaneously stretches one side of your torso while working the other.

Scissor Abs

Forget run-of-the-mill crunches: scissor abs will work your legs, back, and abs. Over time and with stretching, you might be able to do a full split crunch!

Boat Pose

You might not think that balancing in Boat Pose would tone your abs, but it's one of the most effective yoga poses for your core. Follow the steps below, but be sure to avoid these common mistakes [5].

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