Burn Fat and Build Muscle With This Upper-Body Dumbbell Workout (Suitable For All Levels!)

Aug 17 2018 - 1:40pm

If you want to increase your upper-body strength and start seeing muscle definition in your arms [1], you've got to start doing upper-body workouts. Your arms aren't going to transform overnight or by doing an arm workout once in a blue moon.

To see more definition in your arms, implement this program into your routine at least two times a week and make sure you're selecting weights that will challenge you [2]. If you're consistent with the program, you should begin to see results around the four- to six-week mark.

The workout:

Overhead Shoulder Press

Bent-Over Row

Upright Row

Triceps Kickback

Dumbbell Bench Press

Bent-Over Reverse Fly

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