5 Moves to Build a Strong, Toned Back

Feb 11 2016 - 3:30am

The Pinterest 100 [1] is perhaps the closest thing we have to a crystal ball. Each year, the team there takes a look at the pinning habits of its 100 million users to help predict trends for the upcoming year. After all, they did say that 2015 would be the year of cauliflower [2] — boy, were they right. Cauliflower pizza crust [3], anyone? Given Pinterest's habit for spotting trends before they are even trends, when it says that backs are the new butts, we're sold. Besides, it's a win for us all; a stronger back helps improve posture, prevent injury, and alleviate all-too-common shoulder and lower-back pain.

If you're ready to build a stronger back, be sure to incorporate these exercises into your regular strength-training routine. Once done, be sure to get it some well-deserved love by going into Child's Pose [4] for a few long breaths.

Plank With Row


Bent-Over Row

Reverse Fly

Single-Leg Deadlift

Related: Fight Back Bulge With These 9 Yoga Poses [6]

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