Carve Your Core! 10 Workouts All About Your Abs

Jan 1 2015 - 4:25pm

Strong, sculpted six-pack abs are only a click away! Aside from making you feel confident in your formfitting clothes — without worrying about your muffin top hanging over your waistline — strong abs also prevent back pain, improve posture, and make you better at running and everything else physical (wink, wink). Make it happen with one of these five- or 10-minute videos, and get ready to feel your core burn.

The Ultimate Ab Workout to Feel Good Naked

This 10-minute workout uses a couple of hand towels for a superslippery workout that targets your core like no other.

10 Minutes to a Tighter Core . . . No Crunches Required

Take 10 minutes to work your middle with this no-props-necessary workout that is perfect for newbies and fitness buffs alike. The moves may be basic, but the results are anything but.

Blast Away Belly Fat With This 10-Minute Workout!

Mixing high-energy full-body exercises with ab-sculpting moves, Jeanette Jenkins, president of The Hollywood Trainer [1], works your abs from every conceivable angle for a seriously toned midsection.

A Flat-Belly Workout That Only Takes 10 Minutes!

Celebrity trainer Ashley Borden [2] takes us through some of her favorite exercises for achieving tight, toned abs — you'll never look at planks the same way again! Get ready to warm up the body, give it a great stretch, and feel your midsection burn in this 10-minute, nine-move workout.

10 Minutes to Flat Abs

Take 10 minutes to tighten up your midsection and tone your abs and back. No weights are needed for this workout, so no excuses!

5 Minutes to a Sexy Back and 6-Pack Abs

This five-minute, six-move workout targets the front and back of your body to create a sleek and balanced torso. Plus, it will help improve your posture, which can make your midsection look thinner.

Stay Cool and Get 6-Pack Abs With Our Pool Workout

If swimming is one of your favorite forms of cardio, then the next time you're in the pool, try these five exercises that tighten your abs while working your core.

Define Your Waistline With This 10-Minute Pilates Series

This 10-minute workout from celeb trainer Juliet Kaska [3] is all about tummy-toning Pilates moves — no props needed!

Take 10 Minutes to Strengthen Your Core and Stretch

This 10-minute video is the perfect way to end a cardio workout. It takes you through a standing ab workout, planks, and lying ab work, followed by some stretches to lengthen all your hardworking muscles.

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