Create Strong and Shapely Calves With These Do-Anywhere Exercises

Jul 27 2016 - 4:06pm

With so much emphasis placed on the butt and thighs, it's easy to overlook the calf muscles. But given just how much we put our lower bodies through, this is never a good idea; weak, tight, or shortened calves are an easy doorway to injury and chronic issues like plantar fasciitis. These calf exercises will help prevent injury while also sculpting and strengthening your lower body for the better.

Wide Squat With Calf Raise

If there was ever a calf-burning move, this is it. Added bonus: you'll also feel it in your butt and thighs.

Jump Squats

Adding a jump to a basic squats will help work the calves (and quads) even more.

Single-Leg Touch and Hop

Hopping side to side helps condition the calf and ankle muscles for stability when making quick lateral direction changes.

Basic Calf Raises

Raising the heels destabilizes your ankle joints. Not only are you strengthening your calves with this exercise, but you're also challenging the muscles that support the ankle joint.

Calf Raises With External Rotation

Changing the angle of the feet by rotating the legs outward challenges different muscles of the lower leg than working in parallel. This position will work your arch of your foot more too, and a strong arch helps prevent the ankle from rolling inward.

Calf Raises With Internal Rotation

Once again, the different foot position will challenge different parts of the lower leg and feet.

Wall Calf Stretch

After running through these exercises, be sure to give your calves some love with a little stretching action. This is a classic calf stretch that you can do just about anywhere.

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