I'm a Trainer, and These Are the Exercises You Need to Start Doing This Year

Jan 12 2019 - 7:50am

Instead of sharing a list of exercises I think should be retired (like the crunch — please stop doing crunches [1]!), I decided to compile a list of exercises I think you should be doing more of today, tomorrow, in 2020, and beyond.

For starters, compound exercises [2] are a must. Ask any trainer and they'll tell you that multijoint movements like squats [3] will help you burn more calories and fat [4] because they require more energy to perform. You'll also find that unilateral exercises (single-arm or single-leg exercises [5]) made the list because they help build symmetry on both sides of your body.

It's my hope that these exercises inspire you to try something new and experiment with your workouts to become stronger.

Romanian Deadlift

Deadlifts should definitely be included in your total-body and lower-body workouts to strengthen your legs, glutes, and core. Here's a list of deadlift variations [7] you should try.

Banded Assisted Pull-Up

Next year is the year you accomplish your goal of doing pull-ups, and adding a band for assistance is key to getting there. Here's a guide on how to master the pull-up [8].

TRX Pistol Squat

Unilateral exercises like the pistol squat will help you improve your strength and stability, and you'll really feel your butt muscles working.

Elbow Plank

If you want a stronger core [10], add the plank into your routine. It's a classic move, and it will work your transverse abdominis [11] (your true core muscles) like no other. Put your skills to the test with this 20-minute plank challenge [12].

Dumbbell Squat Press

Compound exercises like the dumbbell squat press will help improve your strength and help you build more lean muscle.

Marching Bridge

Consider adding more glute-activating exercises [13] into your workouts. Not only will your butt reap the benefits, but you'll also prevent injuries and keep your glute muscles firing efficiently.


If you want to improve your upper-body strength, you can't skip out on the push-ups. Here's a simple trainer tip for mastering the push-up [14] once and for all.

Bulgarian Split Squat

This squat variation is often overlooked, and I'm warning you now: you'll definitely feel it after a few reps. Not to mention, it'll help improve your stability.

Dumbbell Bench Press

Another way to master moves like pull-ups and push-ups is by doing arm-strengthening exercises like the bench press.

Plank With Knee Tap

If you've already mastered the plank, continue to challenge your core strength with this plank variation. Do this move before your workout to activate your core [15].

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