We Dare You Not to Eat These Healthy Snacks From Amazon All at Once

Feb 20 2020 - 4:25pm

Snacking is an art form. When you find the ideal morsels that can travel easily [1] and actually taste good while still being good for you [2], it can feel like striking gold. After a long search, we've found some healthy snacks that we can munch on guilt-free. Sometimes we want something sweet; other times it's something salty. But no matter how our tastes may vary day to day, the ideal snack keeps us satiated and isn't filled with crap.

Ahead, we've rounded up the best healthy snacks, and they're all available on Amazon! These pics are almost too good to be true, and we're stocking up. Just keep reading to shop our picks.

Macadamia Chocolate Yes Bar

If you're looking for a great bar to have on hand, reach for this Macadamia Chocolate Yes Bar [4] ($15 for 6).

Eda-Zen Cruncha Ma-Me Edamame Veggie Snack

We could munch on these salty Eda-Zen Cruncha Ma-Me Edamame Veggie Snacks [5] ($13 for eight) all day long.

Proudly Pure Parmesan Cheese Crisps

These Proudly Pure Parmesan Cheese Crisps [6] ($20) are the salty, cheesy snack we crave in the afternoon.

Siete Grain Free Tortilla Chips

We served these Siete Grain Free Tortilla Chips [7] ($23) at a party and nobody knew they were grain free. That's how good they are. We recommend the three-bag sampler because you won't be able to pick a favorite flavor. Pro tip: dip the lime flavor in guacamole and live your best healthy life.

Hippeas Organic Chickpea Puffs, Vegan White Cheddar

We all love cheese puffs, but we don't indulge in them every day — until now. These Hippeas Organic Chickpea Puffs, Vegan White Cheddar [8] ($20 for six) are vegan, gluten-free, and seriously addictive.

Buddah Bowl Organic Popcorn

I consider myself something of a popcorn connoisseur, and this is hands down my favorite. Buddah Bowl Organic Popcorn [9] ($31 for 35) is popped with coconut oil, which does something special to the kernels. They're not offensively salty but not sweet like kettle corn; they're just right. I've gotten everyone I know hooked on this popcorn.

Quest Nutrition Fan Favorites Variety Pack

We're fans of Quest bars, and these are some of our favorite flavors, so it's almost like the Quest Nutrition Fan Favorites Variety Pack [10] ($20) was made just for us, right? But seriously, these bars have around 20 grams of protein with very low sugar levels and carbs. Plus, they taste delicious, especially the chocolate chip cookie dough.

Enlightened Roasted Broad Bean Crisps, Sriracha

For those that like a little spice, these Enlightened Roasted Broad Bean Crisps, Sriracha [11] ($20) are insanely addictive. The beans themselves are crunchy morsels that don't taste like much, so you'll be able to enjoy that sriracha flavor even more.

ChocZero's Keto Bark

I mean, you're welcome. For all those on the keto diet or just trying to indulge in a sweet treat without extra added sugars, ChocZero's Keto Bark [12] ($15) will change your life. It's only sweetened with monk fruit and comes in three flavors, but the chocolate hazelnut is kind of like a healthy Nutella.

Betty Lou's PB&J Bar

Is there anything more nostalgic than a PB&J sandwich? Now you can eat one whenever you want. Betty Lou's PB&J Bar [13] ($18 for 12) is gluten-free, vegan, and non-GMO. Also, it's so good.

RXBAR Whole Food Protein Bars

You know those protein bars you saw all over Instagram? They're actually good. RXBAR Whole Food Protein Bars [14] ($20 for 12) are made of ingredients you'll recognize, like egg whites, dates, and almonds, but not enough to make them calorie bombs. They also manage to pack around 12 grams of protein in there, which we're super into.

Annie's Organic Bunny Fruit Snacks

Another childhood favorite, fruit snacks, gets a healthy makeover I can get behind with these Annie's Organic Bunny Fruit Snacks [15] ($7). They're sweet, they come with enough in the pack that you really feel like you're eating something, and they're shaped like bunnies. Sold.

Blue Diamond Bold Almonds, Salt 'n Vinegar

Honestly, it's a saving grace that these Blue Diamond Bold Almonds, Salt 'n Vinegar [16] ($21 for 12 tubes) come in single-serving packets. They're so good that we need the portion control to keep this to a snack.

Justin's Maple Almond Butter Squeeze Packs

Perfect for throwing in your bag on busy days, Justin's Maple Almond Butter Squeeze Packs [17] ($10 for a box of 10) are high in healthy fats and protein. Spread it on an apple or celery, or just eat it plain. It's that good.

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