14 Kitchen Gadgets For the Healthy Cook in Your Life

Dec 23 2017 - 12:15pm

Whether you're a cooking pro or struggle to properly boil an egg, whipping up homemade dishes just got a lot more simple and fun! Sure, you already have the kitchen basics, but it's time to step it up a notch. And the best part? They're all geared toward making a healthy lifestyle easier. You may be a beast in the gym, but these gadgets will make you an Emeril in the kitchen.

Egg Cooker

Getting in your daily protein just got a whole lot more fun! In just 12 minutes or less, you can cook your eggs to soft-, medium-, or hard-boiled perfection.

DASH GO Rapid Egg Cooker [1] ($25)

Soy Milk and Nut Milk Maker

Almond milk and other dairy alternatives are a great option if you're trying to cut fat or adopt a vegan lifestyle. This gadget here is a no-brainer.

Tribest Soyabella Deluxe Soy Milk and Nut Milk Maker [2] ($130)

Food Dehydrator

Packaged dried fruit is undeniably delicious, but many varieties are filled with extra sugar. Make your own with this dehydrator for a healthy but still sweet snack.

Ronco EZ Food Dehydrator [3] ($64, originally $70)

Yogurt and Greek Yogurt Maker

Whether you're just getting in on the Greek yogurt craze or it's an old favorite, you'll know that you're getting the most protein and least sugar by making it yourself.

Euro Cuisine Yogurt and Greek Yogurt Maker [4] ($60)

Olive Oil Sprayer

Extra-virgin olive oil is one of the healthier options as far as oils go, but how many times have you poured just a little too much? Yeah, that problem ends here.

Misto Olive Oil Sprayer Aluminum [5] ($9)

MagicBullet NutriBullet Pro 900 Series

Smoothies, anyone? You'll never understand how much your life was missing a MagicBullet until you get one. And its use doesn't stop at fruity drinks — fresh guacamole and even omelets are other options.

MagicBullet NutriBullet Pro 900 Series [6] ($100)

Rapid Apple Peeler

The chances of you making excuses just to use this fun gadget are very high. You can peel a range of fruits in just 20 seconds.

DASH Go Rapid Peeler [7] ($25)

Hurom HH Elite Slow Juicer

Forget about paying $11 for a fancy juice. This kitchen staple will have you looking forward to your daily fruit and vegetable servings!

Hurom HH Elite Slow Juicer [8] ($399)

Food Scale

It's possible to overload on even the healthiest of foods, but you'll especially be happy you have this scale when you come face to face with your cheat-day weaknesses.

Martha Stewart Collection Thin Glass Food Scale [9] ($25, originally $50)

Pineapple Slicer/Corer

Anyone who's ever tried to slice a whole pineapple before knows the struggle. This corer practically pays for itself even if you only use it once — but trust us, it'll become a counter staple.

OXO Ratcheting Pineapple Slicer/Corer [10] ($10)

Vegetable Spiralizer

Healthy foodies know that vegetables taste 10 times better when they're in the shape of spaghetti.

Oster Spiralizer [11] ($40)

Wheatgrass Juicer

A wheatgrass habit can get pricey pretty fast, but this home version will have you doing shots before noon without breaking the bank!

Weston Cast Iron Wheat Grass Juicer [12] ($37)

Corn Stripper

Sometimes you just don't want to spend the better part of your evening picking corn kernels out of your teeth (you can thank us later).

Zyliss Corn Stripper [13] ($9)

Miracle-Gro AeroGarden Harvest Plus Seed Kit

Bummed that Winter has stopped your outside garden dead in its tracks? The AeroGarden fits right on your counter and is simple enough for anyone who lacks a green thumb.

Miracle-Gro AeroGarden Harvest Plus Seed Kit [14] ($160)

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