Get Stronger Glutes and Arms With This Dumbbell Workout

Jun 23 2018 - 9:30am

While lifting heavy barbells definitely builds strength in your butt [1] and upper body, don't underestimate the power of the dumbbell. Jade Jenny, CrossFit coach and owner of Champlain Valley CrossFit [2], tells POPSUGAR, "Heavy low volume and light high volume elicit two very different effects." So even though you may love lifting a barbell, your muscles will also benefit from doing higher reps with moderate to low weight.

This six-move workout involves multitasking exercises [3] that focus on the butt and legs, but also work the upper body simultaneously. Since some moves use just one dumbbell, have two sets on hand to adjust the amount of weight per exercise. Push yourself to use weights that take you out of your comfort zone a little — that's where the magic happens!

Butt Workout With Dumbbells

Equipment needed: A set of medium-weight dumbbells

Directions: Set the timer for six minutes. Do each move for 40 seconds, and then take a 20-second rest before moving onto the next one.

Descriptions for each move are ahead. For a longer workout, repeat this six-minute circuit two to four times.

Dumbbell Thrusters

Side Lunge to Curtsy Squat

Deadlift With Front Row

Alternating Forward Lunges With Biceps Curl

Dumbbell Sumo Squat

Single-Leg Deadlift With Row

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