A Trainer Says This Is the Best Workout to Do If You Want to Lose Weight and Build Muscle

Feb 18 2019 - 5:50pm

If your goal is to lose weight and build muscle [1], you may be wondering if it's possible to do both simultaneously and, if so, where you should begin. To answer the first question: yes, it is possible for you to build muscle and lose weight at the same time. In order to accomplish both goals, you're going to need to be strategic about your style of training, how often you train [2], and making sure you're providing your body with enough fuel and time to recover [3]. Here's what you need to know in order to lose weight (and, really, what you want to be losing is fat) and build muscle simultaneously.

What's the Best Type of Exercise For Building Muscle?

In my opinion, all styles of training serve a purpose, but if your goal is to build muscle, I recommend strength training. You don't have to completely cut out cycling, Pilates [5], or barre — these can be used to cross-train — but you should primarily focus on lifting weights.

I recommend doing strength workouts that include compound exercises [6] (multijoint movements like deadlifts [7], squats [8], and push-ups [9] that work large groups of muscle). This is because compound exercises require more energy, and the more energy you use, the more fat and calories your body will burn.

How Often Should I Work Out to Lose Weight and Build Muscle?

Now that you know that strength training is essential, you may be wondering how often you need to work out to see results. If you're a beginner, I recommend starting with two to three strength sessions a week. Here's an example of what a week of workouts should look like [10]. If you're at an intermediate level and have experience lifting weights, I recommend doing three to four sessions a week. While it isn't absolutely necessary, someone who is more advanced can do five strength sessions a week.

As I mentioned earlier, you need to have a strategy when it comes to lifting weights in order to build muscle. Instead of following a random set and rep scheme, make sure that you're training in the hypertrophy phase (maximal muscle growth). In this phase, you should complete three to five sets of 12 to 15 reps per exercise. You'll also want use a weight that's about 80 percent of your one-rep max. This guide will teach you how to choose the right weight [11].

Regardless of how often you train, don't forget to fuel your body properly before and after your workout [12]. In a previous interview, Jim White [13] told POPSUGAR that to build muscle, your macronutrient profile [14] should be 55 percent carbohydrates, 25 percent protein, and 20 percent fat.

How Much Weight Should I Expect to Lose?

If you've never done any form of exercise before, you could easily lose anywhere from four to eight pounds in a month, although this number may vary. Pratik Patel [15], MS, RD, CSSD, CSCS, New York Giants director of performance nutrition and assistant strength and conditioning coach, told POPSUGAR in a previous interview that if you can steadily lose one-half to one to two pounds a week [16], you'll be able to maintain your weight loss.

At some point, you may notice that your body composition has become more lean but your weight has gone up. If that happens, don't panic. You aren't doing anything wrong. Muscle is more dense than fat, meaning it takes up less space. You may look leaner but weigh more, and that's OK. I typically advise clients not to focus on the number on the scale but instead to focus on how they feel and look. Remember: the scale doesn't tell the whole story.

Get started with one of the following workout plans:

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