Build Muscle and Burn Calories With This CrossFit Star's 3 Go-To Moves

Christmas Abbott
Christmas Abbott

CrossFit competitor Christmas Abbott, author of The Baddass Body Diet and ambassador for Second Skin Gear, has a new six-week fitness program known as BBX Boost. It's a full-body workout challenge that focuses on toning your booty, flattening your stomach, and leaning out your legs.

Since Christmas knows a thing or two about how to get lean and toned, we asked her to share her three favorite, effective go-to exercises for building muscle and burning calories.

Christmas says these three moves "are effective for the entire body and can honestly be done anywhere. Whether you're at the gym, in a hotel room, or in your living room, you can break a serious sweat, burn calories, and build lean muscle." Incorporate these intense, advanced moves into your next workout and see how quickly you'll get stronger and more ripped.

Sexy Back Push-Up

Sexy Back Push-Up

Push-ups already work the upper body and core, but this variation will target the upper back even more.

  • Begin in a Down Dog position on the hands and feet.
  • Bend the elbows out wide and lower the forehead toward the floor.
  • Scoop the chest forward and push up into a plank position.
  • Press back to Down Dog.
Banded Squat

Banded Squat

Doing squats with a band effectively adds resistance without needing to lift heavy weights.

  • Stand with the legs wider than hip-distance apart, toes pointing out.
  • Place a resistance band under your feet and around the back of your neck.
  • Bend the knees out wide and lower into a deep squat, keeping your weight in the heels.
  • Use the glutes and hamstrings to stand up.
click to play video

Surfer Squat Burpee

Burpees are one of the best bodyweight exercises you can do to burn calories and tone the entire body. This variation really works the butt and legs.

  • Begin standing and lower into a squat. Explosively stand up as you turn 180 degrees.
  • Do a deep squat then place your hands on the floor. Jump your feet back into a plank position.
  • Do one basic push-up, bending the elbows and then straightening back to plank.
  • Jump the feet forward to the hands and lower into a squat.