Make the Most Out of Cardio With These Expert-Recommended Core Exercises

Jul 21 2016 - 10:50am

Who better to tell us about creating a strong, sculpted midsection than an ab aficionado? Said expert, NYC physical therapist Dr. Karena Wu [1], gave us her five favorite core workouts to do right after cardio.

Cardio will burn the calories and fat, but core exercises will create abs, strength, and definition. So when the fat burns away, you'll reveal a tightened, lean middle. "The core is king," Dr. Wu said, and "very important for bodily strength, preservation, and ability."

These instructions are straight from the physical therapist herself, so get ready for a little tough love for your abs. With a bit of cardio and these moves as a cooldown, a stronger, leaner core is waiting for you!

The Roll-Up

Dr. Wu told us the ab roll-up [3] works all four abdominal muscles at once, while "assisting with segmental mobility and stability of the core."

Plank With Pelvic Rotation

A plank with pelvic rotation, sometimes called planks with hip dips [4], also works all four abdominal muscles, while emphasizing the obliques — the muscles around your waist.


Another all-four-muscles move, the classic ab bikes or bicycles will strengthen and tone.

Pike With Ball

Not only does this move work all four abdominal muslces, but the glutes are targeted as well, giving you a nice lift to your powerful rear.

Double Leg Raise, Scissors

This challenging but simple move is so effective — and it specifically works the pesky lower ab area that can be difficult to work at times. You'll also take advantage of a nice quad exercise, which can help with running.

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