The 1 Yoga Pose That Can Give You Coregasms

Jun 3 2016 - 2:55pm

Think it sounds crazy to experience an orgasm while working out? Coregasms are real [1], and they happen when deeply engaging your core muscles. Women may experience this glorious feeling while doing crunches, strengthening leg lifts, or these backbends in a yoga class — now that's what I call an enlightening experience!

These variations of Camel Pose [2] are pretty advanced, but you can modify them by lying on your back on a bolster or by walking your hands down a wall. Try to do one variation after the other without a break to really work your abs. The feeling in your lady parts can be rather intense — maybe not a full-on coregasm, but lovely nonetheless.

Pigeon Pose A

Little Thunderbolt

Little Thunderbolt (Deeper)

Lifted Thunderbolt

Pigeon Pose B

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