Wondering If Exercise or Diet Is Better For Losing Belly Fat? Here's What an Expert Said

May 24 2019 - 3:20am

Losing belly fat [1] doesn't have to be complicated, but it does require consistency and patience. Most importantly, you've got to put in the work. That means doing things like fueling your body with nutritious foods [2], getting enough sleep, and being well-rounded with your exercise routine — cardio and strength training are important [3].

When it comes to losing weight, some experts argue that exercise will produce weight maintenance [4] and your diet is what leads to weight loss. To find out if you're diet is more important than exercise if your goal is to lose belly fat, POPSUGAR spoke to Rondel King MS, CSCS, an exercise physiologist at NYU Langone's Sports Performance Center [5].

Is Diet the Only Way to Lose Belly Fat?

"No. I think [exercise and diet are] both important because, with regard to weight loss, it's all about energy balance," Rondel told POPSUGAR. The same holds true for losing belly fat.

Simply put, energy balance means expending energy via things like exercise and consuming energy via food. Working out and how much you eat (measured in calories) is how you balance your energy, Rondel explained. With regards to nutrition, Rondel said energy balance is "governed by the amount you eat." Why? Because "The first rule of thermodynamics (in general, thermodynamics relates to the transfer of energy) is that you can't make energy, you can't destroy energy [7]. You can only transfer it," Rondel said.

Think about all the foods you love to eat. Those items are actually energy, also referred to as calories, that your body utilizes to perform functions like breathing and using the bathroom. Everyone has a max amount of energy (calories) they need in order to perform those bodily functions. In other words, each one of us has a max amount of calories we need to consume per day for our brain and other systems to function. This calorie max also accounts for our lifestyle and things like exercise.

To find out the exact caloric value you need for basic bodily functions, you'll have to get a resting metabolic rate test [8] at specialized clinics (prices begin around $200 but will vary depending on your location). From there, an expert can help you determine how many calories you should consume based off your lifestyle, activity levels, and health goals.

Rondel explained that if your max energy intake is 1,800 calories and you're consuming double that amount, 3,600 calories, your body will typically store the extra calories in the form of fat. If your goal is to lose belly fat, you definitely don't want that to happen.

"A lot of the time, people overeat and they eat way more than their body and metabolism is calling for," Rondel said. In order to offset a caloric surplus, exercise plays an important role.

Is Exercise Important to Lose Belly Fat?

For example, if you're strength training three to four times a week (reminder: compound exercises [9] are great for burning fat) and doing cardio two to three times a week, you'll more than likely be able to expend those excess calories. "You can balance yourself out and not be subjected to weight gain," Rondel said.

Just to be clear: we aren't saying a calorie surplus is right or wrong. We'll let you and an expert determine what's best for you. We're simply stating that if you choose not to eat in a calorie deficit, you can still lose belly fat. You'll just really have to step up your fitness game. It's all about balance at the end of the day, right?

Cardio and strength training can help you lose belly fat and so can your diet. In Rondel's opinion, one isn't greater than the other but you should focus on both for optimal results.

If you're looking for nutritional guidance, we recommend speaking to an RD. You can also follow this clean-eating program [10] and make adjustments as you see fit. For workouts, we're loving this four-week plan that will help you lose weight and build muscle [11].

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