If You Want to Work Your Abs, Grab a Pair of Disc Sliders (or Two Towels!) and Get to Work

Oct 13 2018 - 4:10am

What if we told you to get a strong core and sculpted abs you never have to do another crunch again? After screaming "hallelujah!" you may wonder where that leaves you in terms of effective ab exercises [1]. And while other ab moves such as planks and Russian twists [2] can tone your tummy, you can get in a killer core workout using a pair of disc sliders [3] ($10 on Amazon). If you don't have a pair of sliders, grab two washcloths or smaller towels to place under your feet.

Check out these disc slider exercises to create a soreness-inducing ab workout [4]. Incorporate these into your core day to change it up from those boring crunches and planks. Best part? If you have hardwood or tile floors, you can do these right at home — no gym required!

Croc Walk With Sliders

Mountain Climber Sliders

Plank to Bear

This move is similar to the Bear on a megaformer.

Jillian Michaels's Disc Slider Workout

Jillian Michaels shared this ab and booty disc slider workout on her Instagram page. The circuit consists of one-legged mountain climbers, pikes, and sliding out with one arm.

20-Minute Workout to Glide Your Way to Flat Abs — All You Need Is a Towel

Here's a 20-minute strength-training session that will teach you how to use your towel like a glider to challenge your abs and legs.

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