The Hidden Danger When Working Out on a Cloudy Day

Jul 22 2014 - 1:40pm

You're committed to taking care of your skin and you always make sure to use sunscreen before you head out in the sun, but on a cloudy morning run, do you really need to slather it on? The answer is yes — just because you can't necessarily see or feel sunlight doesn't mean that certain rays aren't hitting your skin. It is still possible to get sunburned on a day that is completely overcast.

According to the Mayo Clinic [1], up to 80 percent of UV radiation can still penetrate cloud cover. So why is that dangerous? Ultraviolet (also known as UV) rays are invisible to the eye but can cause damage to your skin. Skipping a sunscreen application means that you could be putting yourself in danger [2] of skin damage or even melanoma. So next time you cast an eye up at the sky, no matter what the weather appears to be, play it safe [3] and slap on some sunscreen.

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