This 1 Product Completely Changed How I Recover From a Workout For the Better

Oct 11 2018 - 1:01pm

When I decided I wanted to get into shape again earlier this year, I had no idea that four months later I'd be working with a personal trainer three days a week and living off chicken, fish, and vegetables [1] in the hopes of achieving my weightlifting goals [2]. And while I certainly have a long way to go until I become a full-on bodybuilder — these things, apparently, take time — I'm pretty hell-bent on upping my weights each week.

Obviously, hitting the weight room comes with a a slew of benefits. It makes my anxiety virtually disappear, gives me more energy, and keeps me focused throughout the day. However, there's one downside to going hard: I am constantly sore as hell.

While I certainly enjoy working on my chair squat and snatch deadlift, I often wish for death while climbing the subway stairs. But recently, I found a clever solution to my problem that actually works: Pure CBD For Life Lavender Rub [3] ($25). Before you roll your eyes and mutter "wow, another topical CBD product, [4]" under your breath, hear me out, because this product has changed my workout routine for the better.

It Helps Me Sleep Better

Combined with the wonders weight training does for my mental heath — it's literally the best form of stress relief — rubbing a little on my neck and back before I go to bed helps me sleep easier. It's no secret that lavender puts some people to sleep, so combine that with the tension in your back and shoulders melting away, and you're golden.

It Calms Me Down

After a long day of work, sometimes there's no better feeling than vegging out on the couch and scrolling through your Instagram feed. But, that's not exactly the best thing to do before hitting the hay [6]. Now, I've made the cream part of my calming pre-bedtime routine: I just rub it on my sore muscles and climb into bed with my cats, a good book, and some sleepy tea.

It Keeps Me From Reaching For the Ibuprofen

As a person who used to treat any minor ache or pain with an ibuprofen pill or two, I realized I needed to find alternate pain relief that had less potentially negative side effects [7]. Although taking an aspirin here or there is perfectly fine, I made it my mission not to overdo it, and the rub helped a lot in my efforts.

It Helps Me Manage My Weight

Yes, having a trainer is great to ensure you're exercising with proper form. But it's also important for weightlifters to know when to push themselves and when to stop. You're not going to be able to max out every single day, and that's definitely for the best.

As a former college athlete, I would sometimes take a few aspirin to get through practice with a pulled muscle, which just ended up making the pain even worse once the medication wore off.

For me, sticking with the CBD Lavender Rub lets me decide if I can push through the soreness from a previous workout, or if I should stick to lighter weights for the day.

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