Dr. Oz Asks Twitter For Questions, Gets More Than a Tweetfull

Nov 13 2014 - 10:03am

Dr. Oz is no stranger to scrutiny. In June of this year, he was grilled by senators [1] for promoting certain weight-loss products as a "miracle in a bottle." And on Tuesday, he received major backlash on Twitter after posting this:

What is your biggest question for me? Reply with #OzsInbox [2] and I'll answer my favorites on http://t.co/8kjmALRoAd [3].

— Dr. Mehmet Oz (@DrOz) November 11, 2014 [4]

I'm sure he expected some great fodder for his show, but the outcome was disastrous. There was, instead, an enormous onslaught of accusatory questions like this:

@DrOz [5] Do you ever wonder why so many intelligent, scientifically literate people think you're a dangerously irresponsible crook? #OzsInbox [6]

— Robbie G (@Gruntfutuck) November 12, 2014 [7]

A few rude ones like this:

If I eat enough GMO food will it make you disappear? @DrOz [8] #OzsInbox [9]

— Benjamin Saunders (@BenSaunders) November 12, 2014 [10]

Many questioned his integrity:

@DrOz [11] Why do you knowingly peddle remedies you know do nothing? For profit? #OzsInbox [12]

— Alex Huszagh (@AlexHuszagh) November 12, 2014 [13]

Some were silly:

@DrOz [14] #OzsInbox [15] Which Starbucks roast should I use for the most effective coffee enema? I was thinking Sumatra, but Verona is so smooth.

— Anowyn (@AnowynTweets) November 12, 2014 [16]

Some funny:

@DrOz [17] What does it mean when your poop glows in the dark? #OzsInbox [18]

— Dr. Rob Lamberts (@doc_rob) November 12, 2014 [19]

And #LOL hilarious:

@DrOz [20] #OzsInbox [21] So, what is the BEST way to melt fat? Stovetop? Convection? Microwave? Or a good old fashion campfire?

— Anowyn (@AnowynTweets) November 12, 2014 [22]

But this was the overall feel of the one-sided conversation:

I'm overweight but lazy, what's the easiest way for you to take my money and give me false hope for a few days ? #OzsInbox [23] @DrOz [24]

— Rob DeSantis (@RobDComedy) November 12, 2014 [25]

So tell us, what would you tweet to Dr. Oz?

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