Easy Ways to Treat Yourself — Mind, Body, and Soul

Jan 31 2018 - 8:30am

The "treat yo'self" concept actually has some real credibility and is more necessary than you'd think! Too often, we neglect ourselves — sometimes we can really run our brains and bodies down — and it leaves us depleted and unhealthy and could even lead to unwanted weight gain. By taking dedicated time for a bit of self-care [1], we can restore balance to our body and mind in order to function at our best, improve our immune system, and make our workouts even better.

"Self-care comes from knowing and understanding your own needs and recognizing and engaging in the myriad of ways in which you can meet your needs," said Dr. Amy Chadwick [3], naturopathic doctor at Four Moons Spa [4]. And it doesn't just mean spa treatments: "Whether this be food, exercise, touch, routine, rest, play, and more, when we understand ourselves, our bodies, and our needs as they adjust day by day, we can engage in activities which nourish, feed, and heal ourselves and allow us to be fully present not only for ourselves, but for everyone with whom we interact."

So you want to treat yourself well and carve out time for self-care — but where do you start? Here are our favorite easy ways to give your mind, body, and soul a little TLC whenever, wherever.

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