You Won't Believe the Workout Evangeline Lilly Did to Prepare For Ant-Man 2

Jun 23 2018 - 11:45am

Evangeline Lilly [1] has taken some time off from the spotlight, but the Canadian beauty is back on our radar starring alongside Paul Rudd [2] in Ant-Man and The Wasp [3]. We're hoping some of our questions about Ant-Man [4] and a potential Avengers 4 [5] appearance will happen, but until then, we know one thing: Evangeline looks like a total badass. Here's how she she trained for her role as The Wasp.

She Never Counted Calories but Always Followed These 2 Rules

She shared that she's never counted calories and instead pays attention to the ingredients in the foods she's going to consume. If she can't pronounce it, she doesn't eat it. She applies the "less is more" rule to food and tries to eat foods with as few added ingredients as possible.

She Focused on Flexibility and Strength Training

"I'm a fan of strength...I'm the gal that likes to compete with men in push-up contests," Evangeline said. She added that she knows it will "give me more definition, greater reach, increased agility, more fluid movement and sharper reflexes" — everything that contributes to making The Wasp a badass. Over the years, she's incorporated more stretching into her routine and credits it to improving everything from her digestion to her mood [7].

She Did Stair Runs For Strength and Endurance

Running stairs are a great way to strengthen and tone your legs while also improving your speed endurance. Evangeline's tip: use your arms when you run. By using your arms, you'll become a more efficient runner, and you'll be able to run faster.

She Didn't Eat Just to Eat

She would wait to feel hungry before eating (similar to intermittent fasting [8]), then would have a satisfying, well-balanced meal. "I feel like my digestion becomes more efficient, my mind becomes clearer, my heart happier, exercise easier, and food tastes WAY better...especially the healthy stuff," wrote Evangeline.

She Focused on Sculpting Her Core

As you can imagine, when you're on set, you have very little time to do anything else except film. Evangeline created a five-minute ab routine [9] to tone her core and help strengthen her back [10].

She Did Full-Body Workouts With Resistance

Strength training was one of the most integral parts of her workout routine. She did exercises like lunges [11], bicep curls [12], bent-over rows [13], lateral raises [14], and dumbbell squats [15] followed by stretching.

She Swore by "Jane Fonda's Complete Workout"

Evangeline said that she's resistant to fads, all the new diets, and workout options and chose to stick with her Jane Fonda Complete Workout videos. Fun fact: she would put on her swimsuit and leg warmers and do this with her mom when she was a child.

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