A Figure Skater Just Performed to "Turn Down For What," and We're SO Here For It

World, meet figure skater Jimmy Ma, aka my new role model for 2018. A 22-year-old athlete originally from New York, Jimmy just threw all figure skating conventions out the freakin' window at the 2018 National Championships. Rather than performing to a classical tune as most ice skaters do, Jimmy opted for a mashup of two popular radio hits: DJ Snake's "Propaganda" and "Turn Down For What" by DJ Snake and Lil Jon. Though an unexpected combo, he absolutely nailed it.

Jimmy began his routine by skating to "Propaganda," much to the announcers' surprise, but the real party started when Lil Jon's voice began blaring over the loudspeakers. Needless to say, Jimmy is making us see figure skating in a whole new light, and we're totally here for it — along with the rest of the internet, apparently.

Jimmy Ma has cornered the market on hip hop skating and I am here for it. #USChamps18 [1]

— Jennifer Comeaux (@LadyWave4) January 5, 2018 [2]

I have no interest in figure skating--wait--some dude just skated to "Turn Down for What?" I gotta watch this

— Charlie Simmons (@CoolAssCharlie) January 5, 2018 [3]

Jimmy Ma is having a blast skating to DJ Snake and so am I watching it. The bass drop and then going into Turn Down for What after unzipping his pleather jacket. I am dead.

— Hannah Stuart (@HockeywthHannah) January 5, 2018 [4]

Fast forward to the 2:30-minute marker on the video above for said pleather jacket unzipping; you won't be disappointed.

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