Ouch! We've All Been There With These #FitnessFails

Jan 17 2015 - 8:00am

"I hope no one saw that!" Who hasn't had that thought once or twice during our workouts? These #fitnessfails are prime examples. I'm sure you can totally relate, but it's just a reminder that if you fall seven times, stand up eight! Note: many people were probably hurt in the filming of these GIFs.

Now that's an inner-thigh stretch!

Equipment #fail!

Hoping he's found a new spotter since this happened.

Combining two pieces of fitness equipment is usually a good thing, but not so much in this case.

Spectator #fail.

I'm sure most of us can relate.

Pole-dancing requires crazy strength and flexibility, and a functioning pole would be nice, too.

He had good form . . . until the TV dropped on his face.

You might want to try surfing in an actual body of water.

His ball-to-head coordination is spot-on.

There's really no need to signal that you're turning when you're not on an actual road — especially if it means smashing into a chair.

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