WTF Is Going on at These Gyms?

Dec 3 2016 - 8:30am

Most gym days are pretty uneventful. You get in, get out, and repeat. But then some days you see someone doing something that makes you say, "WTF?!" On days when you're just not feeling the gym, just think that you might catch one of these people, and it's sure to motivate your butt off the couch. Note that the language in some of these videos makes them NSFW.

Row, row, row your boat.

Apparently beating the crap out of your workout buddy is considered exercise.

Neck day?

Have you ever seen anything like this?

If you think you're burning extra calories, then you are, right?

Wait for it . . . behind her.

This guy's got the moves.

Um, what? He's working a whole lot of nothing.

This gives new meaning to squeezing in a workout during your lunch break.

A new ab workout?

This doesn't seem right.

At least she's at the gym.

No pain, no gain?

This hurts just watching.

It might be time for a trainer.

What exactly is he trying to work?

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