Don't Know What to Do at the Gym? Let These 2 Trainers Guide You Through a Workout

Sep 21 2017 - 9:35am

Have you ever walked into a gym and immediately had no idea what to do or where to start? Those machines and weights may look like a lot at first, but you just need someone to show you the ropes . . . then it gets fun. Masters of said fun are Carlos Davila [1] and Troy Brooks [2], trainers at Fhitting Room [3] in New York City.

They use a range of machines and gym equipment to design superfun, dynamic, and challenging workouts for their classes in NYC, but today they've made a foolproof guide to the gym that'll walk you through a warmup, a couple sets using machines, a kettlebell circuit, and some bodyweight moves. Ready? Make sure you have your form dialed, and then use this as your how-to while you get acquainted with the different parts of your gym. You'll be a pro in no time.

The Warmup: Five Minutes

Rowing Machine: Four Minutes

"Do eight intervals of 20 seconds of work (rowing) [10], followed by 10 seconds of rest," said Troy. This will put you at four minutes total on the rower before you move on to the next activity.

Kettlebell Circuit: 15 Minutes (Approximately)

Do 15 reps of each move, four times, with 30 to 45 seconds of rest between each movement. If you're unfamiliar with kettlebells, try this beginner kettlebell tutorial [12] or read about proper kettlebell swing form [13].

Kettlebell Swings: 15 reps

Kettlebell Goblet Lunges: 15 reps

Kettlebell Thrusters: 15 reps

Assault Bike and Box Circuit: 15 Minutes (Approximately)

For this circuit, you'll want to have a box near an assault bike. Alternatively, you could break this up into two sections if your gym doesn't allow for this setup.

With each round on the assault bike, you'll want to watch the calories burned on the screen/display. Once you get to 10, you'll take a break from the bike to do work on the box.

Burpees or Squat Thrusts: Six Minutes

"In EMOM (every minute on the minute) workout format, complete the set number of reps below and use the remaining seconds of each minute to rest," Troy and Carlos told POPSUGAR. "Begin the movement again at the top of the next minute for each of the six minutes."

Carlos is demonstrating a burpee [19] (above) and Troy is demonstrating a squat thrust [20] (below).

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