Halle Berry Doesn't Do Crunches or Sit-Ups to Sculpt Her Abs — She Uses This 1 Move

Feb 20 2018 - 9:20pm

Image Source: Getty / Frazer Harrison [1]

Let's not beat around the bush here: Halle Berry [2] has a downright bangin' bod [3]. She may be 51 years old, but the award-winning actress doesn't look a day over 30, and there's a lot that goes into maintaining her toned physique [4] while the cameras aren't rolling. Halle recently started sharing a weekly "Fitness Friday" post on Instagram to uncover her exercise tips and secrets, and they're totally motivating us to whip ourselves into shape. Though her first post touched on how she uses boxing to stay fit [5], her most recent one focused on her go-to ab move: the pull plank.

In the caption of her post [6], Halle explained how "you don't need a fancy gym to get started" with a pull plank; "all you need is a living room, a patio, a kitchen floor, a driveway or a backyard, and a water bottle," she wrote. Yes, a water bottle — and no, it's not just for hydrating.

To master a pull plank, simply start in a regular forearm plank form [8] with a water bottle placed about a foot in front of you. Reach one hand out to grab the bottle and pull it back until you tap it where your elbow previously was, making sure to keep your elbow close to your body and your hips level the whole time. Then extend the bottle back out and repeat the move two more times before switching sides.

Swipe to the second slide of Halle's post below to see her trainer, Peter Lee Thomas [9], demonstrate how to flawlessly execute this stability-focused move.

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A post shared by Halle Berry (@halleberry) [11]

"This starts to strengthen your core, and a strong core has been key to my workouts," the Catwoman star noted in her Instagram caption. Looks like we just found our new go-to ab move [12] — thanks, Halle!

After trying Halle's favorite plank variation, you might be ready to box at home. Check out this 45-minute boxing session from Christa DiPaolo [13], creator of The Cut workout featured at Equinox gyms.

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