A Fitness Trainer Shares the 5 Things That Finally Helped Her Lose Belly Fat

POPSUGAR Photography | Kat Borchart
POPSUGAR Photography | Kat Borchart

Do you feel like you've tried everything but your belly fat won't go away? It's one of the hardest places to lose fat. "Belly fat is often a sign of stress or insulin resistance," Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN, and founder of Real Nutrition, told POPSUGAR. "When you are stressed, your cortisol levels rise, which may lead to storing fat in your middle. Genetics do play a role here as well, so if your parent tends to carry weight in their middle, you might end up doing the same."

Personal trainer and strength coach Susan Niebergall has struggled with losing belly fat, so she understands how hard it is. "The changes our bodies go through as we get older can be frustrating. I know. I have been there too. But we CAN do something about it. Don't think this is it. That it's game over. It's never too late to make changes," Susan wrote in her Instagram caption. "As someone who completely changed my body in my fifties, I am here to tell you it works. It takes putting in the work, but it does work."

Although you can't specifically tell your tummy to slim down on command, Vermont-based registered dietitian nutritionist Maddie Kinzly, MS, LD, told POPSUGAR that you can see reductions in your belly fat and other areas of your body when you lose weight overall. Susan said, "The formula for burning belly fat is the same for fat loss in general." Here are the five things you need to lose belly fat.

Modest Calorie Deficit
POPSUGAR Photography | Paul Kabata

Modest Calorie Deficit

Set your calorie range by multiplying your bodyweight by 10 to 12. Your caloric intake should fall somewhere within these numbers. Figuring out an appropriate calorie deficit will take some trial and error, so monitor your calorie intake for two to three weeks, and if you don't see a change, decrease by five percent. Tracking your calories by measuring your food and using an app like MyFitnessPal for accuracy is key.

Adequate Lean Protein
POPSUGAR Photography | Lizzie Fuhr

Adequate Lean Protein

Every time you eat, focus on getting enough lean protein, including both meals and snacks. Protein builds muscle and satiates hunger, so you'll feel fuller longer, which will help you consume fewer daily calories.

For protein, you need about 0.8 to 1.8 gram per pound of bodyweight, depending on how active you are. Susan said a good rule of thumb is to "aim for 20 to 30 grams of protein per meal" such as salmon, skinless chicken, tofu, plant-based protein powder, or eggs.

Strength Train
POPSUGAR Photography | Benjamin Stone

Strength Train

"Women should lift four times a week if possible," Jillian Michaels told POPSUGAR. "Train each muscle twice a week with two days of rest between training days." These types of workouts will build muscle and burn fat to help you get lean.

Don't be afraid to challenge yourself and lift heavy! Focus on "big compound movements and a sprinkling of accessory movements," Susan said. To see definition, she recommended making sure your calories are in check and focus on building lean muscle.

Consistency Over Time
POPSUGAR Photography | Kat Borchart

Consistency Over Time

Stay consistent over time with both your calorie intake and your workouts. You can't expect to see results if you put in the effort half the time. "Consistency wins out 100% of the time," Susan said.

POPSUGAR Photography | Kat Borchart


You didn't gain belly fat overnight, so don't expect your belly to disappear overnight either. "This is the hardest one," Susan said. "Fat loss takes time. It can be frustrating. Even when you feel like you aren't making progress, don't quit. Keep going." Follow the other four tips, be patient, don't give up, and you will see results.


"The formula for burning belly fat is the same for fat loss in general," Susan said in her caption.