Trying Dry January? Cutting Back on Booze? We're Here to Help

Jan 26 2018 - 1:10pm

So you've heard that cutting back on alcohol can aid in weight loss [1]. Maybe you're sick of hangovers [2] and want more energy. Perhaps you're just looking for a way to skip some calories without sacrificing dessert [3], or you're doing the Whole30. Whatever it is, we're here to help you reach your goal!

Cutting down on booze in general (not just for a challenge) was one of the most significant and positive changes [5] I made in my life. Without altering anything else (no major diet change, no additional exercise), pounds I didn't even think I needed to lose just fell off my body, and I suddenly felt stronger and more energized.

Are you ready to see how you feel with less alcohol? Here are some tips we've compiled to making your dry January, sober February, or "light booze lifestyle" a more realistic reality.

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