If You Want to Do Handstands and Pull-Ups, Start Doing This CrossFit Core Move

Mar 31 2018 - 11:05pm

We rarely solely work our abs in CrossFit classes because we do so many compound movements that engage the core, such as squats and thrusters [1]. But my coach Sefton Hirsch recommends incorporating this exercise, called the Hollow Hold (or Hollow Body), regularly. "The hollow hold is a great way to create core stability in any movement," he said.

Strengthening the entire core will not only provide stability when doing other activities like running, weight lifting, or even carrying your groceries, but Sefton also said, "The more proficient you can get with this, the easier other movements will be." Hollow Hold can also prepare you for handstands [2] (#goals) and pull-ups [3] (more #goals).

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