15 Exercises to Tone Your Triceps, and a Bonus Feel-Good Stretch For Them, Too

Mar 30 2019 - 11:15am

Since you don't see them when you glance in the mirror, it's easy to forget about the back of your arms. But you need to work your triceps to tone that area. Running from your shoulder to your elbow, the main job of this muscle is to straighten your elbow, which is a really common motion, so you can actually work this area in many exercises. From controlling a dumbbell back to the starting position in a bicep curl to straightening your arms at the top of a push-up, focus on what the triceps are doing to squeeze the most out of your reps.

Working this muscle doesn't mean you will lose fat on the back of your arms [1], but you will be building strength and muscle. For your toned triceps to pop, you need to lose weight all over, because you cannot spot-reduce fat [2] by building muscle. We suggest a well-rounded workout plan with full-body strength training and cardio [3] workouts.

Here's a collection of 15 triceps exercises for you to rotate into your sweat sessions to start strengthening them; pick two to three of these exercises for each workout. It's a mix of bodyweight moves and dumbbell and band exercises, and one of our favorites even uses the cable pulley machine.

Triceps Dips

Flip the push-up over, and you get this move that really works the tris.

Triceps Kickback

This is a classic triceps exercise.

Skull Crushers

Yes! You can work your triceps lying down, but you will need weights.

Tabletop Reach

This exercise will tone your arms, abs, and butt.

Pilates Boxer

This exercise focuses on the triceps from different angles.

Circuit One: Rope Pullover

This exercise works the back of the arm through a very functional range of motion.

Overhead Triceps Extension

This exercise is similar to the skull crusher, but by standing you will be working your core more.

Triceps Push-Ups

Bringing the arms close to the torso makes the triceps work harder in the push-up.

Reverse Plank With Leg Lift

Holding the reverse plank is killer on the triceps — you'll love this move.

Triceps Press With Resistance Band

Similar to the kickback, this exercise really works the back of the upper arm.

Breakdancer Reach

This exercise works your tris one arm at a time; it's also great for glute work.

Tabletop to Reverse Pike

This exercise not only tones the arms but will also get your mid abs burning.

Breakdancer Kick

This move really works the arms while challenging your coordination.

Shoulder Press

Work your shoulders and your triceps with the overhead press.

Lying Overhead Reach

This move challenges the abs, but your triceps are working, too.

Triceps Stretch

Remember to give your triceps a stretch after working them.

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