Do This Simple Arm Warmup Before Any Upper-Body Workout

Feb 1 2023 - 11:30am

By now, you probably already know how important it is to warm up before any kind of workout [1], and that includes an arm warmup, especially before an upper-body workout. The best workout warmups prep your body and nervous system to handle different moves and loads, and skipping them can lead to soreness or injury. But it can be tough to figure out exactly which moves to do in an upper-body warmup. How do you get your arms ready for push-ups without just . . . doing push-ups?

"The best warmup moves are movements that look similar to your workout for the day," BOC-certified athletic trainer Liz Letchford [2], MS, tells POPSUGAR. So thinking about the actual moves you're going to do will help you figure out how to prep for them. If those are "pulling" exercises, like pull-ups [3], rows [4], or bicep curls [5], you'll need to warm up your core and lats. "Pushing" moves, like push-ups? "You'll want to get especially connected to your scapular stabilizers [6], core, and hips," Letchford says.

During an upper-body warmup, active range-of-motion exercises are more effective than static stretching, Letchford says. That way, you're stretching and activating the muscle while getting it warmed up. It's just as important to get your joints ready to work, too. Letchford recommends doing controlled articular rotations (CARs) before every workout (think: moves like arm circles and forearm rotations that activate your joints and improve range of motion).

All in all, aim to warm up for eight to 10 minutes before your upper-body workout. Start by getting your blood flowing with some cardio, like jumping jacks, jogging, cycling, or a brisk walk; then, focus on your arm warmup. Keep reading for moves that will get your arms, shoulders, and back ready to work.

Upper-Body Warmup: Push, Pull, Shoulders, and Core

Elevated push-ups for a "push" and core warmup: If your workout includes pushing or pressing against a load — moves like push-ups and shoulder presses — warm up your upper body with some elevated push-ups [8], shown here.

Resistance-band [9] horizontal rows for a "pull" warmup: This is the perfect back and arm warmup for a workout with "pulling" moves, like rows, lat pull-downs, and bicep curls.

Y-pulls for a shoulder warmup: Y-pulls are a great arm warmup move for exercises that require shoulder work and lifting your arms above your head, like overhead shoulder presses [10]. You can do these with just your bodyweight, but for extra stretch and resistance, use a double-handled resistance band.

Upper-Body Warmup: Scapula Mobility and Stability

Your scapula muscles control your shoulder blades, and they're important to warm up before any upper-body workout. These upper-body warmup moves are called "T"s, "Y"s, and "W"s for the shape your arms form with your body in each position. Keep your core engaged the whole time, and don't bring your shoulders to your ears.

If you don't have an exercise ball, you can do these standing; hinge your torso slightly forward, keeping your core engaged [11] and back flat, and perform the moves in that position.

Arm Warmup: "T"s

Arm Warmup: "Y"s

Arm Warmup: "W"s

Upper-Body Warmup: CARs

CARs, or controlled articular rotations, work on your joint mobility and range of motion [12] and are important to do before any workout. This video shows a quick, full-body routine to activate every muscle and joint, but you can use the first half as an upper-body warmup. Pay attention to your body as you go through it — "some people have injuries or restrictions that might result in a limited range of motion," Letchford says.

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