What Are WW's FitPoints, and How Do They Work?

If you've joined WW (formerly Weight Watchers), you know every food is given a numerical value by the program, which is then applied to your daily PersonalPoints budget to ensure that you're eating an amount that will help you meet your goals. What you may not know is that different types of exercise are also assigned point values, called FitPoints, that can actually be used to expand your budget for food each day. Depending on how hard you work out and for how long, you can accrue FitPoints, which increase your daily WW budget and, yes, allow you to eat a little more.

WW is a constantly evolving lifestyle program designed to encourage healthy habits. The addition of FitPoints came a few years ago. While in the past, physical activity helped you get some points back as a reward of sorts, it's now much more personalized. WW has fine-tuned the program to better understand your body, habits, and goals, tailoring the way you eat and the way you track your exercise to you. FitPoints aren't the easiest aspect of WW to understand, however, so if you're a bit confused about how it works, you're not alone. Here's everything you need to know.

What Are WW FitPoints?

FitPoints are the physical-activity equivalent of WW SmartPoints. Every physical activity — and we mean everything — is assigned a FitPoints value based on your attributes (age, height, weight, gender). Because it's personalized to your body and lifestyle, the FitPoints value is more accurate than assuming that a brisk 15-minute walk burns off a certain number of calories.

If I Work Out and Get FitPoints, Can I Eat More?

If you want to use your FitPoints to indulge a little, you have to meet WW's threshold for swapping your points. You have to earn three to four FitPoints a day (which WW says is about 3,000 daily steps) to be able to turn your FitPoints into PersonalPoints.

You can also choose the order in which your PersonalPoints are used. Remember, you have daily PersonalPoints, weekly PersonalPoints, and FitPoints. Your daily PersonalPoints are always the first points you use in a day. You can then choose whether you want your FitPoints or your weekly PersonalPoints to come next. It probably doesn't matter much, but you can play around with the order to see if any one way better suits your wellness journey.

What Else Can I Do With FitPoints?

You can opt to have your FitPoints not affect your PersonalPoints at all. Personally, I don't turn my FitPoints into food points — it tricks me into thinking I can eat more than I should — so I'm better off sticking with only my daily and weekly food points. But that doesn't mean FitPoints don't matter: with WW's program WellnessWins, you earn five wins each day you track activity, which you can then use to purchase prizes.

How Can I Track My FitPoints?

This might all sound incredibly confusing, so let's look at a real example. My daily PersonalPoints budget is 25. I get 42 weekly PersonalPoints. I set my account to dip into my FitPoints first before my weekly points, then did a 45-minute high-intensity Spin class, which counts for 17 FitPoints.

I ate 27 PersonalPoints today, which is two more than my daily limit. Those two points are pulled from the 17 FitPoints I earned today, so now I have 15 FitPoints left to last me the rest of the week until my next weigh-in. If I don't earn any more FitPoints but go over my daily PersonalPoints by more than 15, I'll burn through all my FitPoints and start to burn through my 42 weekly points.

If you want to see how your account is currently set up, go to Food Settings in your app. There's a Swapping option that you can adjust to any of the three options (no swapping, swap for weekly PersonalPoints before FitPoints, or swap for FitPoints before weekly PersonalPoints).

WW Points Calculator

WW has made it very easy for members to track points using the app or website: just plug in your food and the amount you ate, or the exercise you did and for how long, and the calculator does all the work for you. This is especially helpful because WW does change from time to time, and with those changes can come new point values. Plus, with the more customized WW programs, not everyone will have the same point value for everything. That's why plugging everything into your own account is the best option.

In a pinch, though, there are some useful WW points calculators on the internet that will help you figure out the info you need, as long as you know exactly which plan you're on.

Ultimately, here's what you absolutely need to know: exercise is great, and you should do it and track it on your WW app. If you feel like you're working out hard enough that you need to be eating more for fuel, set your account to make your FitPoints available for food. If you don't think that will help you with your weight-loss goals, rack up those FitPoints for WellnessWins and feel good about all the exercise you're doing.