Party On, Enjoy Yourself, and Stay Healthy With These 25 Tips

Dec 19 2014 - 12:56pm

There's no need to skip those holiday parties just because you're trying to maintain your weight during the holidays. These 25 strategies will help you stay on track while celebrating with the best of them.

  1. Eat a small, healthy snack before you go to the party, so you're not starving when you get there. An apple with almond butter or fruit with Greek yogurt are great, healthy, and filling options.
  2. Bring a healthy appetizer [1] to the party, so you'll know there'll be at least one option you can load on your plate.
  3. Check out all the buffet options before you start filling your plate, so you know which appetizers are your must haves.
  4. When at the appetizer table, opt for lean proteins and fresh veggies first to fill you up before splurging on a less-healthy option.
  5. If the appetizer is fried, steer clear, or think of it as your treat.
  6. Use a small plate when picking appetizer options.
  7. Alternate each cocktail, glass of wine, or beer with a glass of water, so you slow down how many empty calories you're imbibing all night.
  8. Use low-calorie mixers like soda water, not sugary juices, to mix with your cocktail.
  9. Make smart decisions the day leading up to a party, so you can relax a bit at night. Load up on healthy, filling foods that keep you full without making you go over your goals for the day.
  10. Walk away from the food table so you don't graze.
  11. Move your workouts to the morning so you aren't constantly skipping sessions when you have evening plans.
  12. Know your calorie counts in popular cocktails [2], so you can make smart decisions.
  13. Choose cut vegetables to dip rather than chips or bread. You'll save hundreds of calories without feeling like you're depriving yourself.
  14. Sip your drink slowly so you aren't constantly refilling your glass with empty calories.
  15. Choose a brut (dry) Champagne over other alcoholic beverages. Brut Champagne usually contains only 65 calories per glass [3].
  16. Add a five-minute workout [4] into your party prep routine. You'll feel good knowing you raised your heart rate and sweat out a few calories before indulging.
  17. Think positive: before you go into a party, psych yourself up about the healthy choices you're about to make.
  18. Dance! There's nothing like burning calories while having fun.
  19. If there's a dessert you're dying to have, split it with a friend.
  20. Vow to have only a certain number of drinks before switching to water or cutting yourself off.
  21. Give yourself a curfew if you find that you can't resist all the goodies the party offers.
  22. Know how to pour a glass of wine. Most people pour too much into a glass, meaning you may be consuming more calories than you are calculating. A serving of wine [5] is five ounces; you should be able to pour five glasses from one 750-ml bottle.
  23. Always pour wine with your glass on the table. You'll be able to gauge how much is in your glass more accurately.
  24. Even if you're enjoying passed appetizers and socializing while you eat, try to eat mindfully. Don't go back to the buffet unless you are hungry.
  25. If you find yourself overindulging, don't beat yourself up about it. Tomorrow's another day to make smarter choices.

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