This Breathing Trick Helped Me Fall Asleep in 2 Minutes Flat, and It's So Simple

Jan 10 2019 - 5:35pm

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Not being able to fall asleep quickly or easily [1] may be one of the most frustrating parts of my life, especially because I've tried everything: switching positions, kicking off blankets, adding more pillows [2], even reading a boring book in hopes that it will make me sleepy. Nothing seemed to help until I discovered a breathing exercise known as the 4-7-8 technique [3].

Here's how it works: place the tip of your tongue against the tissue just behind your upper front teeth and exhale out of your mouth. Then inhale through your nose for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of seven, and breathe out through your mouth for a count of eight. (Your exhale should make a whooshing sound.) Repeat that cycle a total of four times.

The technique was developed by Andrew Weil, MD [4], a leading integrative medicine expert, and it's based on the concepts of pranayama yoga [5]. Dr. Weil describes it as a "relaxing breath," and for good reason — it's known to calm jittery nerves and relax your racing mind [6], making it a perfect exercise to do right before bed, especially if you have trouble falling asleep.

I was in the throes of a stressful week when I decided to try it. I had experienced a string of restless nights [8], and no matter what I did, I couldn't get tired enough to actually doze off. The more I tried to go to bed, the more my mind wanted to stay awake.

And I'll admit that I was worried that this technique, too, would fail. The first night I tried it I realized that I was becoming too aware of my breath [9], which only made me feel more awake. But after loosening my focus, my breathing eventually became more like background noise, and my thoughts became more fluid. I must have fallen asleep in about two minutes; I don't think I did the exercise more than a couple times. Later on in the week, when I woke up randomly at 4 a.m., I tried it again and — like magic — it worked!

If you are having trouble falling asleep, or simply feel anxious or nervous, I highly recommend that you give it a try. What could it hurt?

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