8 Ways to Keep Workouts Exciting — Without Spending Boutique Money

Jul 12 2018 - 2:15pm

Anyone who works out on the regular knows that a gym routine can get boring — especially when you do the same thing day in, day out. When exercising stops being fun [1], it becomes more difficult to make it part of your daily life.

For a while, trying the latest boutique gym classes became my go-to way to spice things up. I tried everything from Orangetheory [2] to Pure Barre [3] to an electrifying Miami dance workout class [4] with a live DJ — and I loved them all! These classes really gave me that boost of much-needed enthusiasm and energy and challenged me to use different muscles, and I felt cheered on by the "we can do this!" group mentality.

Only problem was, averaging around $30 a pop, these specialty classes can get expensive . . . fast! This got me thinking about other, cheaper ways to keep my workouts fun and interesting. Here are eight strategies that can help keep your head in the game without breaking the bank.

Get Outside

Simply taking your workout into the great outdoors can provide an invigorating change of scenery. You may also find that exercising outdoors offers new challenges, such as running on the pavement or a hill versus a treadmill. Consider group exercise classes that are held outside, like Joanna Paterson's Bodiesynergy Outdoor Bootcamp [5], which has participants doing push-ups on park benches, doing core work on playground swings, and running stairs built into the natural hills of Prospect Park. It's all done with the goal of getting you fit while allowing you to be out in the elements.

Create a New Playlist

Music is a big part of what gets me through the cardio portion of my workouts [6]. But after a while, even my reliable Kylie Minogue [7] can get a little tired — enter Spotify [8]. Not only does the app offer a selection of different playlists by genre (including workout music and my dance workout [9]), but it also customizes daily playlists based on songs you've previously listened to. Another great resource is Run Hundred [10], which spotlights the hottest new music by speed to sync with your next jog or sprint.

Check Out YouTube

I've tried websites such as YogaGlo [11], which, for an $18 monthly fee, gives you access to different yoga routines based on which body part you want to focus on — I especially loved this when I was experiencing neck and shoulder pain and could find a customized workout. But going even cheaper, I was thrilled to discover Yoga with Adriene [12]. Her YouTube channel is amazing and totally free. Since finding Adriene, I've been keeping my promise to myself to add yoga to my routine — at least one or two days a week.

Try an App

For those who enjoy boutique fitness classes but not the price tag, Aaptiv [13] offers an alternative: motivational, specific workouts led by world-class instructors. The classes are accompanied by upbeat music and offer just the right amount of instruction. And although it isn't free, for $15/month or $100/year, it's still an economic way to get some variety into your workouts.

Treat Yo' Self

Another way to get through a grueling workout is to make sure you've got a carrot (or carrot smoothie) at the other end of the sweat sesh. Whether it's a new workout top or a mani-pedi for getting to the gym five days that week, small rewards can add up to big progress.

Sign Up For a Class

You can find some pretty fun and awesome classes right at your gym, and the price is likely already included with your membership. It may take some time to figure out which ones you like (kickboxing was not my favorite, but the '80s-style step class was totally awesome).

Switch Up Your Gym Routine

Sometimes getting out of the gym can be a nice break, but you can't deny that for regular daily workouts [14], it's usually the spot that will give you the results you want. Make a point to try a new piece of equipment the next time you're there. Who knows, the rowing machine may become your new BFF (I stared at it from afar for years only to discover that it's a great cardio workout — and also totally doable!).

Just Go For a Run

Friends and coworkers are always asking you to sign up or donate to some 5K — so why not do it? Not only can it be a new addition to your current routine, but it's also an opportunity to meet new people, get outside, and raise money/awareness for a good cause. Plus, you can post dramatic pictures of your photo finish on social media!

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