The 2-Minute Trick That'll Keep You on Pace For Your Resolutions Through Next December

Jan 7 2018 - 9:50am

What were your resolutions last year [1]? Did you keep them? Do you even remember what they were? It's been a long 12 months, so we get it if you totally spaced . . . we forgot about some of ours, too.

It happens every single year without fail, yet we end up in the same place each January, setting lofty goals and plotting out our visions for the year . . . and forgetting about them a few short months later (at the latest).

Are we biting off more than we can chew [3]? Not necessarily. The clichéd phrase "life gets in the way" comes to mind, yet it's totally valid. With family obligations, a work life that may be swallowing you (and all of your brain cells) whole, and any semblance of a personal life, it's impossible to remember all the things you want — and need! — to do, especially without any help. Fortunately, you don't need an assistant . . . just this quick trick!

Set calendar invites and reminders in your phone. Yes, this may seem ridiculously simple, but that's because it is! Plan your goals for the upcoming year. Do you want to get strong this year [5] and make changes to your body [6]? Plot out a dozen or so benchmarks, and put them all in your calendar with reminders. Set gym dates for yourself in July, and remind yourself to schedule a nutritionist appointment [7] in March. Put an early-a.m. alarm in there for May to make breakfast [8] and get a head start on the day. Give yourself words of encouragement in September, and toss in a few buddy workouts in December.

Maybe you want to try something new during each month of 2018, like with our 12-month "I Am Strong" challenge [10]. Don't just set reminders for your challenge on the first of each month — give yourself ideas, checkups, and words of encouragement each week.

A couple of minutes of prep early on can set you up for success [11] all year long so you don't feel like the year got away from you come December. Let's make some real, significant changes this year and feel in control of our lives. Bring it on [12], 2018!

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