How to Navigate Your Gym's Social Scene, as Told in Mean Girls GIFs

May 24 2016 - 11:40am

Gym culture can be tricky to figure out. Have you noticed that people seem dressed to impress but no one actually talks to each other? Or some people seem to be there only to socialize, and you're not sure if you've ever seen them pick up a weight? It can all feel very junior high and very intimidating. Never fear, we've assembled a tutorial, illustrated with eight Mean Girls [1] GIFs — of course — to break down how to get a seat at the proverbial cool kids' table, or rather a foot on their treadmill.

Say hello!

"Hello" is always the perfect opener. We recommend saying it in English, but whatever language you speak, a smile, a wave, and a quick hello is always a perfect first step in letting those familiar faces at the gym know that you'd totally let them sit with you.

Give a compliment.

If the social scene at your gym is especially intimidating, just think of it as providing ample opportunity to pay a compliment. After all, those perfectly toned bodies and perfectly curated Lululemon outfits aren't going to compliment themselves.

Wear a conversation-starter.

From motivational to funny to straight-up chic, gym fashion has never been as conversation-worthy as it is today. If you're having trouble making the first move, maybe a statement tee and some bedazzled headphones will give your girl-crush the opportunity to do it for you.

Related: 13 T-Shirts That Know Exactly How You Feel About Running [2]

Check your own attitude.

Feeling particularly disenfranchised by the Mean Girls [3] at your gym? Don't result to judging them on their looks or jumping to conclusions about their character. The truth is that they're probably equally intimidated by you.

Offer some help if necessary.

We've all been there — new to the gym, not sure where the resistance bands are or what the rules are for sharing the free weights. If you see someone with that deer-in-the-headlights look in her eyes, do her a solid. Ask her what she's looking for, point her in the right direction, and let her know that you've been there, too. If she needs to know what the date is, you can help her out with that too.

Find common ground in your gym goals.

Notice that you're always fighting over the same equipment with the same girls? Chances are that's because you have similar goals for your workout. So call it out ("Anything for those six-pack abs, right?"). Who knows? She just might become your new workout buddy.

Be bold and invite your gym girl-crush for a post-workout smoothie. Or nachos.

If you have been exchanging niceties for a while, have perfected your "I love that tank top," "No I love your tank top" routine, and seem to be hitting it off, go out on a limb and see if she wants to take things to the next level — life beyond the gym.

When all else fails, don't let the haters stop you from doin' your thang.

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