Do This With Your Fork to Prevent Overeating

Jan 18 2015 - 2:30am

It's easy to zone out when eating, but it leads to overeating and less satisfying meals. If you can't readily recall what you ate for lunch yesterday or the day before, it's time to practice being more mindful when eating. This exercise from dietitian Julie Upton, MS, RD, of Appetite For Health [1] can transform your relationship with mealtime.

Julie believes that setting the stage for your meal is very important, so sit down and make sure you have proper utensils. Once you're ready to chow down, take a bite of your food, and then put your utensil down as you start to savor what you're eating. Focus on the aroma, the texture, and the flavors. Slowing down to experience food forces you get in touch with your hunger and keeps you satisfied longer. Try to do this for the entirety of your meal — chances are it will be a very different experience than what you are used to.

Julie's other piece of important advice? Ditch the gadgets! Surrounding yourself with technology takes the focus away from the meal. When your attention is elsewhere, it's far easier to overeat without realizing until your plate is completely clean!

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