I Commute For 2 Hours a Day — These Are the 5 Things I Do to Fit In a Workout

Jul 5 2019 - 10:30am

I have a two-hour commute to work — one hour in, one hour back — and weirdly, I kind of enjoy it. It's a mix of walking and sitting on the train and the BART (San Francisco's version of the subway). I listen to music and podcasts [1] on the walk, read or look at social media on the train, and generally zone out and have a nice time.

What I don't like is the fact that it sucks up two whole hours of my day. That's a lot of time. I could do a lot of laundry with those hours. I could make a lot of dinner. I could sleep!

Fitting in a workout around this two-hour time suck, plus cooking, chores, and sleeping time, has been an interesting challenge. It mostly comes down to making fitness a priority, not just to look good or get in shape but because I truly do feel lethargic and "off" the rest of the day if I skip my morning workout [2]. On a practical level, I do a few things to make it happen.

How Do You Work Out With a Long Commute?

It's not easy making workouts happen when you work long hours, commute long hours, and have all those other adult responsibilities to consider as well. Don't sweat it if it doesn't happen right away, or every day, or if you mess up along the way. Just this morning, I forgot to set my early alarm and took an accidental rest day. Welp, at least I got sleep! As long as I'm making the effort and getting in a little bit every day, I consider it a win.

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