30-Minute Fat-Fry Fusion: Jump Rope + Strength Training

Jan 31 2015 - 2:00am

Today's Get Fit 2015 Challenge [1] workout mixes jump rope with strength training to boost your metabolism and maximize your calorie-burning potential. If you don't have a jump rope, fake it and simply jump (or run) in place. This is a 30-minute workout, but you've got this! The program has been building up to this, and there are even a couple of minutes of active rest during the workout; stretching your quads has never felt so good.

Directions: Perform as many reps of each exercise as you can in one minute — taking breaks as needed. Beginners, start by doing each move for 30 seconds followed by a 30-second rest period. Take two-minute breaks between each 15-minute set. Cool down with three to five minutes of stretching.

To get details on each move, keep scrolling.

Squat With Standing Side Crunch

Alternating Side Lunge

Knee Hugs


Trunk Twist

Plank With Arm Circle

Walking Quad Stretch

Deep-Lunge Touch

Pilates Scissors

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