15 Incredible Workout Ideas From Trainer Kayla Itsines

May 19 2016 - 11:12am

If you haven't heard, Kayla Itsines is transforming bodies around the world [1]. The Australian trainer created the BBG workout guides and the Sweat With Kayla app, empowering women [2] globally to take control of their health and fitness. Kayla is in phenomenal shape and always working out — so how does the mastermind behind BBG stay fit? We've snagged some of her favorite workouts on her Instagram, and if you follow Kayla on IG, you're getting a daily dose of fitness motivation, circuit training, and healthy eating ideas in your pocket. It's like having a personal trainer in your phone. Check out Kayla's go-to moves, and try them for yourself!


Kayla Uses Circuit Training to Target All Muscle Groups

This leg-centric circuit uses different jumps (like a box jump), a medicine ball squat and press, and skip lunges.

She Does Tons of Ab Work

Mountain climbers are a staple move in the BBG and Sweat With Kayla programs.

She Rocks Pull-Ups

You'll find plenty of pull-up videos on her Instagram account.

And Still Uses the Machines From Time to Time

By using the lat machines at the gym, she strengthens her arms and back so she can improve her already-awesome pull-ups and go for her next goal of chin-ups.

Weighted Bicycles Are a REAL Challenge

She adds ankle weights to this already-tough ab workout and cardio circuit.

She Loves Bodyweight Exercises

This equipment-free circuit will work every muscle group! You don't always need weights or equipment.

And Skipping Rope

She skips rope just like we do! You'll find this exercise in her programs, too. Jump ropes are easy to pack on the go and use anywhere.

She Doesn't Shy Away From Burpees

You'll find quite a few in Kayla's routines. The higher the intensity, the better!

And Whatever This Is . . .

. . . just . . . wow.

She Mixes In Weights

Kayla's routine is a combo of HIIT cardio, LISS cardio, and strength training. She keeps a balance between bodyweight/equipment-free workouts and ones that have added weights (like a medicine ball or dumbbells).

Bench Workouts Are Another Favorite

You could totally do this on a bench at the park or the beach this Summer!

But Many of Her Workouts Can Be Done in the Living Room

Those scissor kicks look killer.

No Gym, No Problem

Kayla uses any open space to her advantage and utilizes furniture in the living room to do triceps dips and push-ups! It's a very no-excuses approach, and it's clearly working for her.

But It All Started With a Love of Basketball

It Was Her Entry Point to Fitness

She started when she was 7 years old and still plays today (and she's REALLY good). Moral of the story: mix it up A LOT, and always do what you love.

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