What Khloé Kardashian Completely Cut Out of Her Life to Achieve That Body

Jul 17 2015 - 6:05am

If you keep up with Khloé Kardashian on Instagram [1], you'll notice a proud display of her physical progress and active lifestyle. But the key to her success isn't attributed to short-term thinking — she approaches weight loss realistically and advises healthy habits over any diet.

One item she did eliminate? Soda. And clearly, it's working well for her. "I've made major cutbacks. I used to love soda. So I've cut out soda completely and I'll drink iced tea or water for what I drink throughout my day. I just made that like a lifestyle change," Khloé told radio station Nova 96.9 [2]. Get more of Khloé's sound weight-loss advice (and take a peek at her workout routine) here.

"I'll do like one thing, like, a month. I'll just cut something off little by little, and then it just becomes like a part of your life. You don't even think about it."

When talking about her trainer: "I want someone who's motivating and encouraging, like if they are proud of you for even being there that day."

"I think all diets are kind of weird. The word 'die' is in it."

"I believe in lifestyle changes, and when you think of something long term, you do it better. If I know I just have to eat this way for a week, how does that help you for the long term? It doesn't."

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