No Need to Ever Do Lunges Again With These Thigh-Sculpting Moves

Feb 18 2016 - 8:30am

If you hate lunges, know that you are not alone. For some people, the dislike comes from feeling wobbly in the split-leg position. For others, lunges tweak their knees. No matter your issues with the exercise, you can work your thighs and strengthen your legs with these alternative moves.


This simple move offers great benefits for your entire backside — upper back, glutes, hamstrings, and calves. Get ready to tone with both feet solidly planted on the floor.

— To practice the bending motion, you can do this exercise without weights. And when you do, it's called a good morning [2].

Sumo Squats

Also known as a wide squat or a plié squat, this position works the entire leg with special emphasis on the inner thighs. Many people find it easier to feel their glutes in this squat variation.

— At the bottom of the squat, slowly pulse up and down in a one-inch range.
— Holding your squat, press your knees slightly back to work your glutes even more.
— While maintaining your squat, lift one heel and pulse up and down in a one-inch range and then switch sides.

Advanced Tabletop Bridge

This move really works the entire backside in a really stable position. Plus, it creates a nice stretch for the chest.

— Hold the tabletop position and squeeze the glutes, for 20 to 30 seconds, to work the muscles isometrically.

Goblet Squat

If you hate lunges because of the wobbly feeling of the split stance, squats will keep you feeling stable. To really work your legs to the full potential, we say go low and try the goblet squat.

— Hold a set of dumbbells, a kettlebell, or a medicine ball at your chest to make this move more challenging.

Donkey Kick

You can work the backs of your legs without standing. Just be sure to not arch your back to raise your leg — that's cheating.

— Rotate your raised knee outward slightly and make small pulses by raising your knee to work your glutes from another angle.
— Place a lightweight dumbbell at the crook of your raised knee to make the move harder.

Skip the Lunges in This Quick Leg Workout

Here's a five-minute workout video will tone your gams with a variety of moves while skipping those pesky lunges.

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