This Trainer's Lower-Body Workout Is So Good, It Only Takes 11 Minutes to Do

POPSUGAR Photography | Tamara Pridgett
POPSUGAR Photography | Tamara Pridgett

Don't let a time crunch stop you from getting in a great workout. If you're short on time and in need of something that will have you feeling like a badass, you've got to try this quick TRX workout. There are only three moves, but I promise you, walking up the stairs and putting on your pants will be challenging. And that's a good thing; it means you were working. Continue reading for the 11-minute strength workout.

The Lower-Body TRX Workout

Before getting started, be sure to warm up your muscles — here's a great dynamic warm-up. Once you're warm, set up your TRX suspension trainer. This workout should be performed with little to no rest in between each exercise. Once you've completed one round, take one minute of rest and then repeat for a total of four rounds. Don't forget to cool down and stretch once you're done.

  • TRX squat jump (or standard squat): 30 seconds
  • TRX pistol squat: 30 seconds each leg
  • TRX hamstring curl: 30 seconds
TRX Squat Jump
POPSUGAR Photography | Tamara Pridgett

TRX Squat Jump

  • Start facing the anchor point with the straps at mid-length and your hands on the handles.
  • Step back so that there's no slack on the suspension trainer.
  • With your arms fully extended and tension on the suspension trainer, lower down into a squat. Be sure to keep your weight shifted back on your heels while maintaining a neutral spine.
  • Drive your heels through the ground as you jump up as high as you can. Land on your heels with control. This completes one rep.
  • As you get comfortable with the movement, begin to add more speed, spending as little time on the ground as possible.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.
TRX Pistol Squat
POPSUGAR Photography | Tamara Pridgett

TRX Pistol Squat

  • Start facing the anchor point with the straps at mid-length and your hands on the handles.
  • Step back so that there's no slack on the suspension trainer.
  • With your feet about hips-width apart, lift your right leg off the ground.
  • With your arms fully extended and tension on the suspension trainer, lower down into a squat. Be sure to keep your weight shifted back on your heels while maintaining a neutral spine. Your arms should be extended throughout the entire movement.
  • Drive your left heel through the ground as you come into a standing position. There should be a slight bend at your left knee. Be sure not to pull yourself up with your arms. Instead, push yourself up with your leg. This completes one rep.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds on each leg.
TRX Hamstring Curl
POPSUGAR Photography | Tamara Pridgett

TRX Hamstring Curl

  • Start lying on the ground with your heels in the foot cradles, your feet underneath the anchor point, and your legs fully extended. Your arms should be at your sides, palms facing down.
  • Engage your core, and with control, pull your heels towards your glutes. As you bring your heels toward your glutes, simultaneously lift your hips up higher. Keep your upper back on the floor.
  • With control, straighten your legs without dropping them to the ground. This completes one rep.
  • Repeat for 30 seconds.

Take one minute of rest and then repeat for a total of four rounds.