Tight, Toned, and Strong: A Lower-Body Circuit With Weights

Nov 29 2018 - 5:50am

Grab some dumbbells, and get ready to work your legs. This is a quick workout — only 10 minutes — so you want to push yourself (keeping good form, of course). You will be amazed by what you can do in 10 minutes when you put your mind to it. Blast some power tunes, and get ready to train.

Lower Body Workout

Equipment needed: Medium-weight dumbbells

Directions: Warmup with two minutes of light cardio (find inspiration here [1]), then perform as many sets of this 5-exercise circuit as you can in 8 minutes. Follow the prescribed number of reps, and maintain good form throughout; take rests only if needed. Cool down with some stretches for your hamstrings [2], quads [3], and glutes [4].


Keep reading for detailed explanations of each move.

Squat to Overhead Press

We love this exercise combo for firing up the legs, arms, and abs.

Romanian Deadlift

This deadlift variation is great for strengthening your hamstring and glutes.

Low to High Woodchop

This dynamic exercise works the obliques and upper abs while keeping your heart rate up.

Bent-Over Row

Get ready to feel this in your upper back — it's great for your posture, too.

Single-Leg Bridge

The bridge variation works the legs independently and helps work core stabilization — it's a great move for runners.

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