Celebrate Mother's Day Doing One of Your Favorite Things With One of Your Favorite People

May 8 2016 - 4:01am

You love yoga and you love spending time with your littles, so why not combine the two?! Unroll a mat for you and your kiddo(s) and check out these yoga poses you can do together — at any age from babies to teenagers. Some poses are easy and relaxing, while some more challenging moves should be saved for mamas and kids who have been practicing together for a while. And just because these photos show mothers, doesn't mean dad can't get in on the fun, too!

Flying Superhero

Double Dog

Butterflies Stacked

Double Tree

Stand on Mommy

Double Plank

Stacked Cat Cow

Swaying Straddle

Flying Straddle

Stacked Child's Pose

Two-Humped Camel

Double Sandwich

Double Headstand

Flying Bow

Double Arch

Dog on Elbow Plank

Supported Upside-Down Tree

Double L-Stand

Double Bow

Backward Flying

Supported Scorprion

Lifted King Pigeon

Double Tree

Double Crow

Sandwich Plow

Legs Up Mommy

Supported Wheel

Human Rectangle


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