A Fun Way to Inspire Moving in the Morning

Aug 1 2015 - 7:00am

Who knew a simple little mason jar could help you on your path to losing weight? They're perfect for protein- and fiber-packed overnight oats [1] if that's your wholesome breakfast of choice or for bringing a green breakfast smoothie [2] on your work commute. And the widemouthed jars are great for packing salads for the week [3] to keep calories in check at lunchtime. It doesn't end with nutrition, though; a mason jar is also a great workout tool.

Help stay on the healthy track by making this a motivational mason jar. Here's how it works: cut up 20 or so strips of paper, and write down short, one-exercise ideas that take about a minute to complete. Here are some ideas:

Fold the strips of paper, and throw them in the jar. Keep it on your bedroom nightstand or dresser, and as soon as you pop out of bed, reach into the jar and pull one out. If you're feeling extra-inspired, do another exercise, or do a few. Although not a major calorie-burning workout, a little exercise in the morning can boost your metabolism [19]. But more importantly, it'll get you excited about moving, which can help motivate exercise later in the day.

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