This Low-Calorie Kick Also Turns Weight Loss Up a Notch

Jan 16 2015 - 3:14am

Do you tend to stay away from spicy foods? According to dietician Julie Upton, MS, RD of Appetite For Health [1], it's high time to turn up the heat! Adding some spice to your meals "can help suppress your appetite and give a modest boost to your metabolism." But there's no need to enjoy a shot of hot sauce straight up. Order your curry a little spicier than usual, or add just a few drops of hot sauce to your morning eggs, bowl of soup, or a favorite dip like hummus or guacamole.

And beyond your body's fat-burning potential, there are other healthy bonuses to reap from this spicy tip; capsaicin, the compound in chilies that give them their metabolism-boosting kick, also helps your brain release endorphins and curb cravings [2].

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