Easy and Essential Postrun Stretches

Mar 24 2015 - 12:10am

Running outside might just be the fittest gift Spring weather brings, but cooling down at the park can present some obstacles. While we're all for stretching, lying on the grass to lengthen your hamstrings isn't always option. We've created a guide of convenient stretches — all done standing — to hit the all the muscles you worked hard on your run.


Scissor Hamstring Stretch

Easy to do anywhere and safe for injured backs, this hamstring stretch is great if you're really tight.

Quad Stretch

Focus on keeping your knees together, so the outside of the quad gets thoroughly stretched.

Low-Back Stretch

This is a quick way to relieve any tension in your low back.

Standing Piriformis Stretch

This is a standing variation of the yoga pose Pigeon [2], which targets the deep glutes.

Runner's Lunge

This position stretches the hip flexors and is very important to do after speedwork.

Runner's Lunge With a Twist

This variation deepens the stretch and opens up your back, too.

Calf Stretch

This is a great stretch to do throughout the day, not just after runs.

Soleus Stretch

It's important to keep the deep calf muscles loose to prevent problems with the sole of your foot, like plantar fasciitis [3].

IT Band Stretch

The IT band runs down the outside of your leg, and when it gets tight, it can mess with your knee joint. Keep it loose with this stretch after every run.

Hamstring and ITB Stretch

This stretch lengthens the IT band and the hamstrings.

Sumo With a Twist

Give your back and inner thighs some relief by adding a twist to your sumo squat.

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