Venus Williams and 7 Other Women Share What It Means to Be Strong

May 3 2017 - 5:55pm

What makes a strong woman strong? Is it her muscles? Her willpower and determination? The answer is different for everyone . . . What does being a strong woman mean to you? We asked eight inspiring women we love and look up to to explain what "strong woman" really means to them in their own words. These incredibly powerful words from tennis champions, body-positivity advocates, and badass trainers will make you feel inspired, empowered, and stronger than ever after reading.

Additional reporting by Hedy Phillips and Madison Meltzer

Venus Williams, American Tennis Champion

"I feel like [being a strong woman is] standing up for what you believe in; I feel that it's helping women around you and I think it's living your dream, because by living your dream, you set an example and you empower other women to live their dreams as well."

Jessamyn Stanley, Yoga Teacher, Body-Positivity Advocate, Writer

"Being strong . . . people think it's about trying to look your best and be and present in ways that are going to look really powerful, but in my experience, strength comes from just accepting the things about you that you think are not necessarily going to be your strong points. For me, a lot of that has to do with my fatness; being able to own that aspect of myself has been massive, because if I can own this thing that has been really used against me in a lot of ways, then it puts me into such a stronger space that goes for everything from my size. It's also my period; it's also my hair, which I've been taught my whole life that I should try to have straighter, longer hair. Just owning these parts of myself that are used against me — that really is where my strength comes from."

Simone De La Rue, Celebrity Trainer, Founder of Body by Simone

"A strong woman to me is someone who is impactful and has made an influence, or who is an inspiration to other women. I think we live in a crazy world where there's so much negativity and people, especially women, don't feel comfortable in a class environment because they feel intimidated. A strong woman makes people feel welcome, makes everyone feel equal, puts others first before themselves, is loving . . . and obviously the physical strength as well, but I think the beauty of a strong woman is someone who is proud of themselves, confident in themselves, knows who they are . . . but also shares that love and makes other people feel comfortable in their own skin."

Jenny Gaither, Founder of Movemeant Foundation, Senior SoulCycle Instructor

"A strong woman is unapologetically confident and bold when pursuing what she wants while owning who she is. She is humble, kind, and perseverant."

Ally Love, Peloton Instructor, Adidas Ambassador, Founder of ALoveSquad.com

"Being a strong woman means knowing you're not always right, you don't always have the answers. Ask for help, build a community, blaze a new trail, but know when to say, 'Hey, I'm lost' . . . Using your instinct. Listening to your intuition, knowing that being vulnerable means you are strong. If you don't have answers, you are strong. We're not here to re-create the wheel, we make sure the wheel works. Be the next girl to get out there and carry the torch to the next level."

Erica Stenz, Barry's Bootcamp San Francisco

"I've said this again and again in my Warrior Woman classes: what defines a strong woman in my eyes has nothing to do with how fast she runs or the dumbbells she grabs; it's about the strength she gives to others. It's about finding your strongest self inside so that you can inspire, motivate, and support everyone in your life. It's about believing in yourself enough to push through the adversity and the stereotypes and stand up for progress. It's about overcoming the hardest, darkest parts of your life by moving forward every single day.

When I think about the 'warrior women' I see in my life, I think about my mom. I think about my girlfriends who make me stronger. I think about the pregnant woman walking up an incline on the treadmill at my Barry's Bootcamp [4] class. Badass.

A woman's physical appearance of strength — of muscles — is hot. It shows me that she sees her potential and she's not afraid to go for it. It shows other women that 'strong is the new skinny' — that she chooses health over deprivation.

Don't wait until you gain the muscle to feel your strongest self, because you'll never get there. You have to first believe you are a strong woman . . . someone who will always find a way . . . someone who adapts . . . someone who is capable of supporting herself and others. Then share your strength with the world — because that's a warrior woman."

Nicole Steen, Equinox Fitness Instructor

"To me, being a strong woman means being able to surpass any obstacles that come your way, whether it be physical or emotional. Growing up, I had to deal with many obstacles such as stereotypes, discrimination, and more. I was involved in many activities that people would say I could not be good at such as baton twirling, ballet, beauty pageants. It brought me down, but I was always strong enough to believe in myself and keep pushing to be the best. I would do beauty pageants and not win first place or get all the way to the national championships for baton twirling and get second place even though I wanted that first place trophy.

I would be sad at first, but instead of quitting, like many of my peers would do, I would go home, listen to the judges critiques, and work on perfecting them so that the next time I competed I would win . . . and I did! Being a strong woman means never giving up on your passion no matter what anybody says. Even with my recent car accident where I sustained injuries to my body, I am remaining strong, following the doctor's orders, and making sure I keep my body in tip-top shape so that I can once again dance and work out like I used to. I never let anything people say or setbacks keep me down; as a strong woman, I continue to push myself to be the best me I can be. No one and nothing can stop me but me!"

Ingrid Clay, Barry's Bootcamp Venice

"Freedom! Freedom to be who you are at the core; your true authentic self and to never apologize for it. The freedom to be comfortable in your own skin no matter the color, no matter the size! The freedom to always express how you feel with honesty and grace. The freedom to do it all, and not to do it all and know you're still a SuperWoman. The freedom to make your own rules, break barriers, and change the status quo.

For in that freedom we sparkle, we shine, we glow, and our essence is seen and felt by all. In that light we inspire others to become just as strong and just as free. And as a strong woman our jobs are to inspire and ignite that light within others, and never let it die within ourselves!"

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