The Sunday Ritual Christine Used to Lose Weight (and Keep It Off!)

Nov 26 2017 - 10:50am
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A post shared by Christine Evans | Weight-Loss Coach (@weightlosshero) [2]

You're good all week, fueling your body with healthy foods, but once the weekend comes, your 80/20 diet [3] is more like 20/80 (or 100/0!). Treating yourself is definitely a must, but for Christine Carter, before starting her weight-loss journey, she says that Sundays "were always a day of regret for me." She captions the above Instagram post [4], "I was a binge eater, and weekends always proved to be the worst. Whether it be drinking and binging on Whataburger at 2am, or just overeating at date night — I was miserable by Sunday. I would ask myself 'What's WRONG with me???'"

Sound familiar? It's a terrible cycle that not only makes you feel bad about yourself but also stumps your progress. Instead of beating herself up every Sunday, now Christine has adopted a new beginning-of-the-week ritual. She shares, "It took a lot of discipline, but I have learned to make Sundays a day of reflection and preparation. I would analyze where I went wrong — but not be so HARD on myself." That's so important. To recognize where or when you might have fallen off the healthy wagon, and then encourage yourself to get back on.

Christine uses her Sunday to "make a new plan to be successful for the week ahead." If you're not sure where to start, here's a list of six things you can do every Sunday to stay healthy all week long [6]. Make a plan, and move forward on your journey, even if there's a little bump in the road.

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